20. No officer of the militia shall incur any expense what-
ever to be paid by the State, except such as authorized in this
Article, without first obtaining the authority of the Adjutant
General. In extreme emergencies, however, the commanding
officer of -any organization or detachment of the National
Guard may purchase such necessities as are absolutely re-
quired for the immediate use and care of his command, taking
receipts in duplicate therefor; a report of such action, con-
taining a statement of the articles purchased and the price
thereof, with the receipts attached, must be made forthwith
through the regular channels to the Acting Quartermaster
General. The Comptroller of the State shall be the auditor
of all accounts for property purchased by the Adjutant Gen-
eral (as Acting Quartermaster General) and copies of the
orders or contracts under which such purchases are made shall
be filed in the office of the Assistant to the Acting Quarter-
master General, subject to his inspection. All other military
accounts payable by the State shall be audited by the Ad-
jutant General. Military accounts thus audited shall be paid
by the Treasurer of the State from a proper appropriation
made by the Legislature, upon the warrant of the Adjutant
General, under and by direction of the Governor and Com-
mander-in- Chief.
21. The Maryland National Guard shall consist of such
officers and enlisted men as may be from time to time, allotted
to the State by the Federal Government in orders, and the
organization of units shall be in conformity therewith; pro-
vided, that the Governor shall have the power in case of war,
insurrection or other emergency to increase the force provided
for and to organize such units as the.exigencies of the same
may require: provided further, that commissioned officers be-
coming surplus from any cause, they may be relieved from the
active list and placed in National Guard Reserve.
22. That hereafter commissioned officers of the National
Guard shall be selected from the following classes and none
other officers and enlisted men of the National Guard; officers
of the reserve or unassigned list of the National Guard;
officers, active or retired, and former officers of the United
States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, graduates of the United
States Military and Naval Academies, and graduates of
schools, colleges and universities where military science was
taught them under the supervision of an officer of the Regular