Treasury, the Treasurer, the Chairman of the State Roads
Commission, the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, the Chair-
man of the State Board of Prison Control, the Chairman of
the State Board of Health, the State Superintendent of Public
Schools, the President of the Maryland State College of Agri-
culture, and the superintendent or managing heads of the
following institutions: Crownsville State Hospital, Eastern
Shore State Hospital, Rosewood State Training School, Spring
Grove State Hospital, Springfield State Hospital, the Mary-
land Tuberculosis Sanitorium, the Maryland State School for
the Deaf, at Frederick, the Maryland Industrial Training
School for Girls and the Maryland Training School for Boys.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That on or before
October 1st, 1920, the Chairman of the Central Purchasing
Bureau shall appoint a Secretary, who shall be known as the
Purchasing Agent, who shall not be a member of the Bureau,
and who shall receive the salary fixed by the Bureau. The
Purchasing Agent shall perform the duties prescribed by the
Bureau. He may, with the approval of the Bureau, appoint
such clerical and other assistants and incur such expenses, in-
cluding rent, as may be necessary to carry on the work of the
Bureau, within the limits of the amount appropriated there-
for by the General Assembly. Should any deficiency in the
amount appropriated for the salaries and expenses of the
Bureau occur, the using authorities shall contribute, with the
approval of the Governor, to the maintenance of the Bureau
from the appropriations for expenses made to them in the
Budget Bill.
The members of the Bureau shall serve without compensa-
tion. They shall select from among their number a vice-chair-
man, who shall preside at their meetings in the absence of the
Governor, and a treasurer. Six members shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business.
SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That from and after
January 1st, 1921, every State officer, board, department,
commission and institution, hereinafter called the using au-
thority, shall purchase all materials and supplies, merchandise
and articles of every description, through or with the approval
of the Central Purchasing Bureau.
Any State officer or employee who shall violate any of the
provisions of this Act may be removed by the Governor.
It shall be the duty of the Bureau to prescribe rules and