amended by Chapter 340 of the Acts parsed at January
Session, 1912.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 4 of the Act passed at January Session,
1854, Chapter 320, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Dime
Savings Bank in the City of Baltimore," (the name of which
bank was by supplementary Act passed at January Session,
1866, Chapter 128, changed to the Central Savings Bank of
Baltimore), be and the same is hereby repealed, and that the
same be and it is hereby re-enacted so as to read as follows:
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the business of said cor-
poration shall be managed by the said board of directors who
shall within six months from the date of this Act, and an-
nually thereafter in the month of May, elect, from their num-
ber a president, treasurer and such other .officers as they may
see fit; and may also choose such assistant officers as may be
desirable (who, however, need not be members of their own
body) ; and shall appoint such committees with such duties as
they may determine; six of said directors, of whom the presi-
dent or treasurer shall be one, shall form a quorum for the
transaction of business.
SEC. II. And be it further enacted, That Section I of this
Act passed at January Session, 1856, Chapter 245, entitled
"An Act to amend the Act entitled an Act to incorporate the
Dime Savings Bank in the City of Baltimore passed at Janu-
ary Session. 1854, Chapter 320," as amended by the Act
passed at January Session, 1866, Chapter 128, entitled "An
Act to amend the Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Dime
Savings Bank in the City of Baltimore, passed at January
Session, 1854, Chapter 320, and its supplement, passed at
January Session, 1856, Chapter 245," and as amended by
Section 2 of Chapter 328 of the Acts passed at January Ses-
sion, 1884, be and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. III. And be it further enacted, That a new section, to
be known as Section 6, be added to the Charter of the Central
Savings Bank of Baltimore, heretofore incorporated by the
General Assembly of Maryland, by Chapter 320 of the Acts
passed at January Session, 1854, as amended by Chapter 245
of the Acts passed at January Session, 1856, and as further
amended by Chapter 128 of the Acts passed at January Ses-
sion, 1866, and as further amended by Chapter 328 of the
Acts passed at January Session, 1884, and as further amended