this purpose, then the Commissioners of Oxford shall annually
levy upon the assessable property of the town of Oxford a tax
sufficient to pay each and every bond as it matures, and the
interest on all bonds issued under this Act outstanding and
unpaid, and the funds thus arising, shall be separately kept
and shall not be used for any purpose other than is stated in
this section, or for the payment of any notes which the Com-
missioners of Oxford may issue for the purpose of borrowing
money temporarily, pending the sale of the bonds herein au-
thorized, and authority is hereby conferred upon the Commis-
sioners of Oxford to issue notes for the purpose of securing
such temporary loans.
SECTION 5. That the funds realized from the issuing of said
notes or from the sale of said bonds shall be deposited by the
said Commissioners of Oxford in some bank selected by them
to the credit and in the name of the Oxford Electric Commis-
sion hereinafter provided for in Section 6, and no money shall
be withdrawn from said fund except on checks signed by the
President of said Oxford Electric Commission, countersigned
by the Treasurer thereof, and no money shall be withdrawn
therefrom for any purpose whatever, unless the bill for the
same be previously approved by at least two members of the
SECTION 6. The Commissioners of Oxford shall appoint
three of the legal voters, residents and taxpayers of the town,
who, together with the President of the Commissioners of Ox-
ford, shall constitute the Oxford Electric Commission, which
Commission shall have full charge and control of the building
and construction of said electric light, heat and power plant,
and of all the work done under this Act with full power and
authority to advertise for bids, purchase material, let con-
tracts and appoint such assistants or engineers as may be re-
quired, and to do all other things which may be deemed neces-
sary to properly perform the duties for which said Commis-
sion shall be appointed; provided that no material shall be
furnished either directly or indirectly by any member of said
Commission, or by any firm or corporation with which any
member of said Commission is connected. Said Commission
so appointed shall within ten days after their appointment,
organize by electing one of their members President, and also
a Secretary and Treasurer (the latter need not necessarily be
a. member of the Commission) and the same person may hold