a bond in the penal sum of forty thousand dollars, with at
least three individual sureties or corporate surety to be ap-
proved by them, conditioned for the faithful performance
of his duty as collector of county taxes. The said Treasurer
shall receive as compensation for his services as collector of
both State and county taxes the annual sum of three thou-
sand dollars to be paid quarterly.
Approved March 2, 1920.
AN ACT to require the Treasurer of Baltimore County to
collect and hold for the use of the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County all the fees and commissions col-
lected by him from delinquent taxpayers under the pro-
visions of Sections 147, 149 and 150 of Offutt's Code of
the Public Local Laws of Baltimore County, of the edi-
tion of 1916.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Treasurer of Baltimore County shall collect
and hold in the same manner in which he holds the other
public funds of Baltimore County all the fees and commis-
sions hereafter collected by the Treasurer of Baltimore County
from delinquent taxpayers as provided by Sections 147. 149
and 150 of the Public Local Laws of Baltimore County known
as Offutt's Code, edition of 1916, sub-title "County Treas-
urer. ''
Approved March 2, 1920.
AN ACT to establish fences in Garrett County. Maryland,
and to compel land owners, where two or more tracts
join, to build said fences.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That where two or more persons own a tract of land in
Garrett County, Maryland, adjoining each other, each land
owner shall be required to build one-half of the fence between
him and his neighbor when requested so to do by the person
whose land he may join.