the consent, and it may be contrary to the wishes of a majority
of both the men and women of Maryland.
We conceive that the Members of this General Assembly
would be false to their duty to their own people, if not to
their official oaths, if they should vote to ratify the proposed
Therefore, Be it Further Resolved, That the General Assem-
bly of this vState hereby rejects the said nineteenth Article,
proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United
States, and, on behalf of the State of Maryland, refuses to
ratify the same.
Resolved, Further, That we solemnly protest to the Legis-
latures of those State who have heretofore voted to ratify
such Amendment against their action in thus seeking to force
this measure upon our people, without their consent, and we
earnestly appeal to the Legislatures of those States who have
not as yet voted to ratify it, not to do so.
And be it further resolved, That the Governor be requested
to forward a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions,
duly attested, to the Secretary of State for the United States,
our Representatives and Senators in Congress, to the Gover-
nors of each of the States and to the presiding officers of
each House of the Legislatures thereof.
Approved March 26, 1920.
JOINT RESOLUTION extending the term of service of the
Honorable Fillmore Beall as an Associate Judge of the
Seventh Judicial Circuit of Maryland.
WHEREAS, The Honorable Fillmore Beall, of Prince George's
County, was elected an Associate Judge of the Seventh Judi-
cial Circuit of Maryland on the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in the month of November, nineteen hundred and
nine, for the term of fifteen years, and until his successor
should be elected and qualified, or until he should attain the
age of seventy years and,
WHEREAS, He is now discharging the duties of the said
office, and will, on the first day of December, in the year