insane or feeble-minded by said Commission, or a majority
thereof, and the removal of such convict or convicts be deemed
advisable, said Commission shall order said board to remove
such insane or feeble-minded convict or convicts to some insane
asylum within the State to be designated in such order of re-
moval. All the expense incurred in the removal of such insane
or feeble-minded convict or convicts shall be borne by said
Board and the maintenance in such asylum of such insane or
feeble-minded convict or convicts shall be met in the manner
provided in this Article for other insane, lunatic or feeble-
minded persons. If at any time after being removed to such
asylum any such convict or convicts shall, in the opinion of
said Commission recover his reason before the expiration of
the term for which he was sentenced to the Penitentiary or
House of Correction, he shall be returned thereto at the expense
of such asylum, there to be kept until such term shall expire,
or until otherwise discharged in due course of law. If any of
such convicts shall, in the opinion of said Commission be still
insane, lunatic or feeble-minded at the expiration of the term
for which he was sentenced to, the Penitentiary or House of
Correction, he shall remain in such asylum until in the opinion
of said Commission he shall have recovered his reason.
SEC. 2. And be, it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the first day of June, 1920.
Approved April 16, 1920.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, witli amendments, Section 127
of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, entitled
"Elections," as enacted by Chapter 511 of the Acts of
1912, so as to include Wicomico County.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 19
of Article 27 of the Code of Public General Laws of
Maryland, of. 1914 (Bagby's Annotated Code, Volume
3), title, "Crimes and Punishments," and to add three