shall be adequate to their reasonable support in a hospital or
asylum for the reception of insane or lunatic persons, except
that in case of persons who shall remain in such hospital or
asylum less than one month, the county or city from which
such person shall have been committed shall pay the actual
cost of the maintenance of such persons, but not exceeding
two dollars per diem.
40. The Lunacy Commission, whenever it shall determine
that any patient cared for at public expense and confined in
any private or corporate institution or asylum, or in any alms-
house, is violent or that his case is acute, and said Commis-
sion shall be of the opinion, after a thorough investigation,
that said patient can be better cared for in a State hospital
with better hopes of recovery, may remove said patient to the
proper State hospital at the expense of the county wherein
the patient was found at that time. And whenever said Com-
mission shall find anyone in a State hospital whose condition
shall have become chronic or who is likely to do as well in a
county asylum as in a State hospital, it may order the county
to which the maintenance of said patient is chargeable to re-
move him or her to some county asylum which shall have com-
plied with the rules of said Commission relative to the keeping
of insane patients, but in no case shall a patient in a State
hospital be thus transferred, except upon the written consent
of his or her immediate relatives. And whenever, in the opin-
ion of said Commission, any patient cared for at public expense
and confined in any private or corporate institution or asylum
or in any almshouse or any person confined in a State hospital
is in such a condition as to be dangerous, the said Commission
may remove said patient to such other State hospital as the
said Commission may select. It shall be unlawful to convey
any woman patient to any institution, asylum, hospital, home
or retreat for the insane, or to transfer any woman patient
from or to any such place, except such woman patient be
accompanied by some relative, friend or nurse of the same sex.
This shall not apply to any woman patient accompanied by
her father, husband or adult brother or son.
44. Whenever the State Board of Prison Control may deem
it necessary they shall have full power to summon the Lunacy
Commission to examine and pass upon the mental condition
of the convicts confined in the Penitentiary or House of Cor-
rection and if the convict or convicts so examined be adjudged