SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new section be and the same is hereby added to
Article 59 of the Annotated Code of Public General Laws of
Maryland, title "Lunatics and Insane," to come in after Sec-
tion 7 of said Article 59, and to be known as Section 7-A
thereof, and that Sections 8, 9, 40 and 44 of said Article 59
be and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, so that said Sections 7-A, 8, 9, 40 and 44 of said
Article 59, as so enacted, shall read as follows:
SECTION 7-A. Whenever any person shall be arrested and
brought before a judge of any court of this State or before
any justice of the peace of this State, having criminal juris-
diction, charged with any offense, and such person shall appear
to be or be alleged to be insane or lunatic, and shall be com-
mitted in default of bail to await further proceedings in such
court or before such justice or elsewhere, the said judge or
justice shall commit him to the jail of the county or city where
the charge is pending, or to such institution for the care of the
insane as may from time to time be designated by the State
Lunacy Commission. The said State Lunacy Commission shall,
be notified of such commitment, and shall thereupon examine
such person, and as soon as said Commission shall determine
whether such person is insane or lunatic, and in every case
within two weeks after said Commission shall have been so noti-
fied as aforesaid, said Commission shall report its findings to
the court or justice then having jurisdiction of the charge
against such person. If said Commission shall find such per-
son insane or lunatic, he shall remain in the institution to
which he shall have been committed as aforesaid, or in some
other institution to which he may be transferred on the recom-
mendation of said Commission, until he shall be tried or until
the court shall in its discretion give the direction provided for
in Section 6 of this Article. If, however, such person shall be
found by said Commission to be sane, the court or justice then
having jurisdiction of the charge against such person shall
order him transferred to the jail of the county or city in which
such charge shall then be pending. In all cases not punishable
by death or confinement in the Penitentiary, the examination
provided for in this section and in Sections 4 and 6 of this
Article may be made by the Superintendent of any institution
for the care of the insane in which such person may be con-
fined pending trial, instead of by the said State Lunacy Com-