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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1316   View pdf image (33K)
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mitment for a hearing, commitment for the action of the
Grand Jury.

And the said Justice shall have power to issue all processes
and to do all acts which may be necessary to the exercise of
his said jurisdiction ; may hear and determine all cases whereof
he may have jurisdiction, and may pronounce judgment and
sentence therein in the same manner and to the same extent as
the Circuit Court for Montgomery County could in such
cases if said cases were tried before said Court without the
'investigation of a jury: provided further, that said justice
shall have the power in any and all cases to suspend the opera-
tion of any sentence for such time as he may see fit or may
indefinitely postpone said sentence. That if any person when
brought before said Justice having jurisdiction of the case,
shall before the trial of the alleged offense pray a jury trial,
or, if the State's Attorney for said county shall before the
trial of such alleged offense pray a jury trial upon the part
of the State, it. shall be the duty of the said Justice to commit
such alleged offender for trial in the Circuit Court for Mont-
gomery County, at its then session, if it be in session, or its
next session if it be not then in session, and return said com-
mitment or recognizance, with the name and names and resi-
dence of the witnesses for the prosecution endorsed thereon,
forthwith to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the said jus-
tice shall inform the person charged of his right to a jury
trial and on receipt of the recognizance sent up by the Justice
the Clerk shall place the same on the Appeal Docket and issue
a subpoena for the witnesses named by the Justice and the case
shall be tried on the information or warrant as if on appeal.
In all cases after jury trial is waived, in which any person is
tried and committed before said Police Justice and sentenced
by him to any imprisonment other than imprisonment in de-
fault of payment of fines of ten dollars or under and costs
or to any fine of over ten dollars exclusive of costs he may
within ten days after sentence, exclusive of the day of sen-
tence, pray an appeal to the Circuit Court for Montgomery
County upon waiving his right to plead on the trial of said
appeal in said Circuit Court, his former jeopardy resulting
from him, his or her said trial and conviction before said Jus-
tice, no formal waiver of said right, to plead under this sec-
tion to said Circuit Court shall be construed as a waiver of


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1316   View pdf image (33K)
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