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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1315   View pdf image (33K)
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be liable at the suit of the State for the use of the said
County Commissioners in case of default of any of its condi-

SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the Justice of the Peace, ap-
pointed by virtue of this Act shall have an office in the Court
House at Rockville, or other suitable place in said town of
Rockville, to be provided by the County Commissioners for
said county, and shall attend at his office as often as the busi-
ness of same may require his attention, and at least four days-
of each and every week from the hours of 10 o'clock A. M.,
until one o'clock P. M.; provided, however, that said Justice
shall give notice by publication or otherwise, of the days of
the week that he will be at said office for the transaction of

SEC. 4. Be it enacted. That the said Police Justice heroin
provided shall have the same jurisdiction in civil action as
other Justices of the Peace of the said county, and shall have
criminal jurisdiction, concurrent with that exercised by the
Circuit Court for Montgomery County, in all cases of assault
and battery, cruelty to animals, vagrancy, drunkenness and
disorderly conduct, disturbance of the public peace, wrong-
fully opening or breaking the seal of any letter not addressed
to the party, selling deadly weapons to minors, obscene publi-
cations, blasphemy, destroying bounded or boundary trees,
fraud upon turnpike companies, all charges of violations of
health laws, violation of laws relating to turnpike companies,
failing to keep a light reflecting upon toll bars', trading stamps,
female sitters, selling of intoxicating liquors, gambling, wife
beating, deserting of wife or child, disorderly houses, carry-
ing of concealed weapons, maliciously destroying property, un-
lawful hunting, gaming, care and protecting of minors, Sab-
bath breaking, and all actions for the recovery of any fines,
penalty or forfeiture under the laws of the State, within the
limits of said Montgomery County, and all other violations
of law, that are classed or specified as misdemeanors, now in
existence or hereafter to be created by law, including all viola-
tions of any ordinance of any incorporated town in Mont-
gomery County; provided, however, that said Justice shall
not have any jurisdiction in cases of felony charged in any
warrant or indictment, except for the purpose of arrest, com-


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1315   View pdf image (33K)
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