shall cost the sum of $5.00, the Clerk shall retain therefrom
the sum of 25 cents for issuing same, and shall expire on the
first day of June of the succeeding year. Money derived from
the issuing of said licenses shall be transmitted by the said
Clerk to the Treasurer of the State of Maryland to he credited
to the State Game Protection Fund, to be used as provided
for by law, on the first of June and December of each and
every year after the passage of this Act.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That no person shall catch
or in any manner take or kill in the waters of Washington
County, including the Potomac River, any fish whatsoever by
spear or gig or explosives; or any Black Bass. Pickerel or Pike-
peach, otherwise known as Walleyed and California Salmon,
between the first day of January and the first day of Juno,
both dates inclusive in each and every year in any manner
whatsoever, nor at any time, save only with rod and line baited
with artificial flies or natural bait, and it shall further bo
lawful to use artificial bait, generally known as plugs equipped
with one single and three treble hooks or with spoon or spin-
ner equipped with treble hook, and it shall be unlawful to
take any Black Bass less than eight inches measuring in each
case from the tip of the nose to the tip of the caudal fin, or
more than 15 Black Bass in any one day in the open season.
The possession of any spear or gig by any person in a skiff
or boat, shall be presumptive evidence of guilt.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That any person violat-
ing the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor and upon conviction thereof before any Justice of
the Peace of said county, shall be fined not less then ten dol-
lars nor more than twenty-five dollars in each and every case,
excepting where more than 15 fish per day are caught, when
the fine shall be five dollars for each and every fish caught
over and above said limit of fifteen, in addition to said previ-
ous fine, and shall stand committed to the county jail in de-
fault of payment of said fine, but in no case over a period of
thirty days. One-half of the fines under this Act, shall go to
the informer or person causing the arrest, and the other half
to the State Treasurer to account of State Game Protection
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of
laws either local or general inconsistent herewith are hereby