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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1045   View pdf image (33K)
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the said loan and every part thereof, and the interest payable
thereon, shall be and remain exempt from State, county and
municipal taxation, and the principal amount of said loan shall
be paid upon the serial annuity plan hereinbelow specified,
and all within fifteen (15) years after the issuance thereof.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in issuing the certifi-
cates of said indebtedness for said loan as herein provided in
Section 1, the Governor, the Comptroller of the Treasury and
the Treasurer of this State, or a majority of them, shall issue
said certificates according to what is known as a serial annuity
plan, and each series as issued shall be lettered beginning with
the letter "A" and so on down the alphabet, until the said
amount of three million ($3,000,000) dollars shall have been
issued, so that the entire principal sum shall be redeemable, as

$1,500,000 of said loan, bearing date the 15th day of
August, 1920, shall be redeemable as follows:

Series A ......

...... $87,000

August 15, 1923

Series B ......

...... 91,000

August 15, 1924

Series C ......

...... 96,000

August 15, 1925 .

Series D ......

...... 99,000

August 15, 1926

Series E ......

...... 104,000

August 15, 1927

Series F ......

...... 109,000

August 15, 1928

Series G ......

...... 114,000

August 15, 1929

Series H ......

...... 119,000

August 15, 1930

Series I ......

...... 125,000

August 15, 1931

Series J ......

...... 130,000

August 15, 1932

Series K .......

...... 137,000

August 15, 1933

Series L ......

...... 142,000

August 15, 1934

Series M ......

...... 147,000

August 15, 1935

$1,500,000 of said loan, bearing date the 15th day of- Febru-
ary, 1921, shall be redeemable as follows:

Series N ......

...... $87,000

February 15, 1924

Series 0 ......

...... 91,000

February 15,' 1925

Series P ......

...... 96,000

February 15, 1926

Series Q ......

...... 99,000

February 15, 1927

Series R ......

...... 104,000

February 15, 1928

Series S ......

...... 109,000

February 15; 1929

Series T ......

...... 114,000

February 15, 1930

Series U ......

...... 119,000

February 15, 1931

Series V ......

...... 125,000

February 15, 1932


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 1045   View pdf image (33K)
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