WM. B.
W. B. & A. RR.
Tel. 808
Bright John II jr (Olivia) carp h175 King George
Bright Peter plmbr h91 Prince George
Brightley Hattie (wid Wm) r30 2d
Brighton Apts 35 West
Brisco Benj F h99 East
Britton Benj C (R Eva) meat mkts 77 West h do
Britton Edw S auto mech Capital Garage h1 3d
Broadfoot II B lieut U S N 21 Maryland av
Brock Cath M student r106 West
Brock E Earl (Eleanor) mach h106 West
Brock Jas P clk r106 West
Brock Paul E ins r106 West
Brock Ruth M student r106 West
Brodine Ernest L (Ruth T) mach h105 Compromise
Brooke Saml asst cashr Annapolis Savings Institution r30
Southgate av
Brooks Chas W (Eva M) pntr 13 1/2 Dean h do
Brooks Chas W (Lillie) firemn h155 King George
Brooks Eise C (Margt) master of arms h390 Severn av
Brooks Elsie L phone opr r185 West
Brooks Florence E (wid Saml W) h281 5th Eastport
Brooks Irva cook h109 Spa rd Gmntn
Brooks Jas (Alice) lab r92 Clay
Brooks John F (Naomi) chemist h191 Green
BROOKS JOHN G (Brooks & Barton), h191 Green
Brooks Lemuel (Cath) pntr h4 Holland
Brooks Mary E h281 5th Eastport
Brooks Mary J waitress h7 Baer ct
Brooks Rosa laund hG4 Spa rd Gmntn
Brooks Ruth laund h109 Spa rd Gmntn
Brooks Stuart W linemn r185 West
Brooks Velma C student h390 Severn av Eastport
Brooks Wm lab r15 Armory pl
BROOKS & BARTON (John G Brooks and George C Bar-
ton), Shoe Dealers, 122 Main, Phone 565 (See left top
Brooks & Deale (Peyton Deale, R Brooks) pntrs 297 5th
Brown Aaron (Sarah) lab r20 O'Bryan av
Brown Aaron lab r7 Monument
Brown Adam (Rebecca) lab h12 Block
Brown Alhert W (Anna J) lumber 160 West h do
Brown Alex r7 Morris
Brown Alex chauf h117 Spa rd Gmntn