Miller, Richard IL, Lt. Comdr. (M.C.) Med. 204 Prince
George St.
Miller, Robert E., Lieut. (Ch.C.) Chap. Officers' Mess
Mitchell, Frank B., Instructor Langs. 234 Prince George St.
Mitten, Robert L., Lieut. E.E. 30 Murray Ave.
Mott, George E., Lieut. (M.C.) Med. 197 Hanover St.
Mull, William P., Lieut. (M.C.) Med. 133 Charles St.
Mullan, William B., Lieut, (j.g.) P.G. 6 Martin St.
Mullinnix, Allen P., Lieut, (j.g.) P.G. 23 State Circle
Murphy, Charles D., Lieut, (j.g.) P.G. 248 Prince George St.
Murphy, William J., Ensign P.G. 20 Southgate Ave.
Murray, James D., jr., Lieut. P.G. 238 Prince George St.
Murray, Stuart S., Lieut. E.E. 67 Pythian Road
Myers, Fred I., Instructor Eng. 84 Gloucester St.
Nash, Claude M., Pay Clerk Sta. S. 151 Main St.
Neal, George P., Commander E.B. 4 Porter Road
Needham, Henry P., Ensign P.G. 4 Riggs Ave. Boone, Md.
Needham, Ralph C., Commander M.E. 32 Upshur Road
Nichols, John W., Pay Clerk Sta. S. W. Annapolis
Norris, Walter B., Asso. Prof. Eng. Wardour
O'Connell, John T., Lieut. (M.C.) Med. 125 Charles St.
Ogden, Samuel B., Lieut. P.G. 18 Franklin St.
Oglesby, Donald G., 1st Lieut. U.S.M.C. M.B. 4 German St.
Olivet, William E., Asso. Prof. Langs. 92 Gloucester St.
O'Neill, Harold H, Instructor Langs. 92 Market St.
Ortland, Henry, jr., Instructor Ex. Wardour, R. F. D. No. 3
Owen, William C., Lieut. Comdr. E.E. 34 Upshur Road
Palmer, Mars W., Gunner (R) Sta. S. Chesapeake and
State Sts., Eastport
Partello, Melville C., Lieut. E.E. 62 Bowyer Road
Patterson, John J., 3d, Lieut. O.&G. 96 Cathedral St.
Pavese, Generoso, Instructor Ex. 2422 Barclay St., Balto.
Pease, Royal S., Asst. Prof. Eng. 2 Cumberland Court
Penn, Albert M., Lieut. Comdr. P.G. 81 Bowyer Road
Perry, Emil B., Lieut. P.G. 2 Cumberland Court
Perry, John R., Ensign P.G. 23 State Circle
Peterman, Henry J., Band Leader Ex. Taylor St. and Spa
Petry, Frederick, Lieut. Ex. Sta. 92 College Ave.
Pickhardt, Adolf V. S., Lt. Comdr P.G. Officers' Mess
Pierce, Harry W., Ensign P.G. 20 Southgate Ave.
Platt, Daniel P., Lieut. (M.C.) Hosp. 43 Franklin St.
Powers, Melville W., Lieut. (C.C.) E.E. 6 Thompson St.
Pranis, Joseph, Gunner Ord. Chesapeake Ave., Eastport
18 Market
Tel. 94