The Government of the City. —The City of Annapolis is a modern city
in its order, government and advantages. It is a city pre-eminently
orderly, breaches of the peace rarely occurring, serious crime is almost
unknown, and courtesy and friendliness mark the bearing of its citizens
one to the other, and the most modest resident seeks to preserve the tenets
of the strictest code of "old Maryland manners. " The city is well and
honestly administered in its municipal government, and public defalca-
tions or misuse of public funds are unknown. The city has telegraphic
and telephonic lines; steamboat and railroad communication; a splendid
supply of most excellent water; a fine Volunteer Fire Department; it
has the very best modern paved streets, and is a law-abiding, healthful
and agreeable city. Its vitrified street paving measures five and three-
tenths miles, its rubble-stone five miles.
The Advantages of Annapolis. —The business of Annapolis is constantly
increasing. The country about Annapolis is most productive of fruits,
berries and vegetables suitable for canning. Farmers arc ready to enter
into arrangements to grow the vegetables that packers may need for
their business. The very name of Anne Arundel is a commendation to
berries, fruits and vegetables.
Annapolis as a Manufacturing Centre. —The proximity of Annapolis to
several sources of raw materials makes it a suitable place for manufac-
turing interests. Close to the finest sand for manufacturing glass, Annap-
olis affords advantages in saving hulk freights. The city is surrounded
with fine and ample heels of clay suitable for manufacturing bricks; it
has near it the best quality of moulding sand; large veins of green sand
stone lic near the city—a stone that possesses the admirable qualities of
a softness, when first quarried, which allows it to be easily worked into
shape, and then, by exposure to the atmosphere, it hardens. The oyster,
the crab and the fish industries are capable of large development.
The Future Trade of Annapolis. —The trade of Annapolis must increase.
There are elements connected with it that make this a commercial cer-
tainty. The improvements of the Naval Academy are yet unfinished.
With their continuance, the growth of Annapolis is assured. When the
Naval Academy was located at Annapolis in 1845, the city had but 3, 000
inhabitants. Under the impulse of the new establishment, Annapolis and
its vicinity has a population of 15, 000. The people who have built new
houses here are chiefly officers, mechanics and laborers who were, and
are immediately connected with the Academy. The merchants and the
professional men gather their tithes from those who receive salaries and
wages from the Naval Academy. These scatter through their employees
these benefits from their naval custom, and so the process proceeds until
every class of trade in Annapolis is benefited. The Naval Academy has