Boettcher Fred T 163 6th Espt
Bowen E G & Co 209 Main
Community Store Severn av c 3d Espt
Fisher Morris M 160 3d Espt
Friedman Benj 238 West
Gottlieb Jacob 21 Market Space
Legum Morris Washington c Clay
Miller Abr 42 West
Reichel Hyman 25-67 West
Ridout C Corner 192 Main
Smead Nathan 151 Main
Weinberg Jacob 106 Main
Dyers and Gleaners
Footer's Dye Works 136 Main
Electrical Contractors
FREEMAN ELECTRICAL CO, 36 Market Space, Phone
719-J (See left side lines and page 11)
Simpson Electrical Co 77 Maryland av
Electrical Fixtures
FREEMAN ELECTRICAL CO, 36 Market Space, Phone
719-J (See left side lines and page 11)
Electrical Heating Apparatus
FREEMAN ELECTRICAL CO, 36 Market Space, Phone
719-J (See left side lines and page 11)
Electrical Lamps (Mazda)
FREEMAN ELECTRICAL CO, 36 Market Space, Phone
719-J (See left side lines and page 11)
Electrical Repairs — Auto
SQUARE DEAL GARAGE, Cornhill and Fleet, Phone 735
(See right bottom lines and page 8)
Electrical Shoe Repairers
SIEGERT WILLIAM, S9 West (See page 15)
Electrical Supplies
FREEMAN ELECTEICAL CO, 36 Market Space, Phone
719-J (See left .side lines and page 11)
GOTTLIEB LEON, 184-186 Main, Phone 208 (See page Y)