15 School St.
Annapolis, Md.
Phone 386
For Sale
or Rent
Water Front and
Country Properties
Smith Chas W (Arabella) meats Public Mkt h200 Prince
Smith Chas W (Annie) mariner h468 Chesapeake av Espt
Smith Chas W j r (Mary E) carrier P O h200 Prince George
Smith Earl (Angy) boat bldr h Creek View Espt
Smith Earl R (Josephine) brklyr h Monterey av W Anna
Smith Ehy lab r151 Holland
Smith Edith M h19 Brewer av Gmntn
Smith Edw D (Agnes M P) watchmn h70 6th Espt
Smith Edw H (Jessie) cook h91 Calvert
Smith Eleanor B sten h19 Brewer av Gmntn
Smith Elsie H r216 West
Smith Frank (Iva B) wiremn h19 Brewer av Gmntn
Smith Frank A (Ethel L) plmbr h Burnside nr Bay Ridge
Smith Frank M plstr 268 Washington r do
Smith Frank O (Margt) mach h74 Charles
Smith Fredk janitor h156 South
Smith Fredk h Monterey av W Anna
Smith Geo lab h241 Hanover
Smith Geo lab r90 Clay
Smith Geo H lab h499 Eastern av Espt
Smith G B L asst prof of chemistry St Johns College r Col-
lege Green
Smith Harry carp r31 Holland
Smith Henry r46 Pleasant
Smith Howard L (Alice) plmbr h478 Chesapeake av Espt
Smith Imelda A clk Annapolis Tire Repair Co r100 West
Smith Israel (Francena) cook h135 South
Smith Jjis (Elsie) janitor h99 Northwest
Smith Jas A (Carrie M) watchmn h173 4th Espt
Smith Jas E (Ethel) lab h11 Morris
Smith Jas E lab h20 Brick row Espt
Smith Jas P slsmn Colonial Motor Co 86 Conduit
Smith Jane C nurse 86 Conduit h do
Smith Jerry L (Ella) lawyer 160 South h2 Martin
Smith Jesse lab h292-94 Chester Espt
Smith John H (Sarah L) carp h266 1st Espt
Smith John P (Annie) auto rprs 121 King George h Balto
Smith John W lab r21 Calvert
Smith J Alma ins r167 Green
Smith J Burton clk r168 West
Smith J Elmer asst supt Metropolitan Life Ins Co h Balto