15 School St.
Annapolis, Md.
Phone 386
For Sale
or Rent
Water Front and
Country Properties
Owens Floyd (Eliz) carp h202 Clay
Owens Floyd jr farmer r202 Clay
Owens Prank B ins h437 West Gmntn
Owens Jas W lawyer 13 School h252 King George
Owens Mary F (wid Chas) h437 West Gmntn
Owens Mary K student h437 West Gmntn
Owens Owen D elk Farmer's Nat'1 Bank Pindell Md
Owens Wm I (Ruby E; Annopolis Garage) h8 Monroe ct
Owings Clifford carp h39 Madison
Owings Eleanor sten r3!) Madison
Owings Eva r39 Madison
Owings Frances student r39 Madison
Pack Horace driver h457 West ext Gmntn
Pack Wm (Lucy) express 455 West h do Gmntn
Padget Danl L (Elsie) plmbr h Severn av W Anna
Padget Geneva clk h Severn av W Anna
Paige Irvin (Lilly) mach h25 Cathedral
Paine Agnes cook r115 St John's
Paine Percy firemn h115 St John's
Palace Conectionery (Geo Pappas, Jas Fottos) confrs 164-
166 Main
Pantaleo Enrico G student r196 West
Pantaleo Ettorino (Concietto) shoemkr 196 West h do
Pantaleo Gabriel E student r196 West
Pantaleo Theodore T r196 West
Pappas Geo (Effie; Palace Confectionery) h164 Main
Pappus Harry G Jas Stravris mgr newsdlr Bladen st Depot
W B & A R R h Baltimore Md
Pappas Jas (Eleanor) cook h187 Clay
Parke F Neal associate judge Court of Appeals h West-
minster Md
Parker Aldora dora r5 Feldmeycr ct
Parker Allen (Mary) lab h105 Washington
Parker Archie (Carrie) cook h73 1st
Parker Cath (wid Isaac) h203 West
Parker Chas lab r78 Cathedral
Parker Chester cook r75 Northwest
Parker Dennis (Alverta) lab h214 Clay
Parker Edw (Carrie) lab h61 Clay
Parker Elias (Harriet) janitor h108 Washington
Parker Ella dom h6 Carroll
Parker Ellen (H P Parker & Son) h92 West
Parker Emma dom h120 Calvet
Parker Emma M nurse Annapolis h do W Anna