15 School St.
Annapolis, Md.
Phone 386
For Sale
or Rent
Water Front and
Country Properties
Medford E Leslie Lieut (Emma) asst clk Adjutant Gen-
eral's Office h Gloucester apts
Medford Jas slsmn h ft 5th at Severn River Espt
Medford Jesse L (Jennie) clk h43 Madison
Medford Jesse P (Mary C) agt h5 3d
Medford Roland brklyr r82 Prince George
Medford Wm E lab h82 Prince George
Meed Geo A mgr Bailey, Banks & Biddle h Phila Pa
Meekins Elsie V clk h471 Chesapeake av Espt
Meekins Jos (Annie) pntr h117 King George
Meekins Mabel C clk r117 King George
Meekins Margt slsldy r27 Holland
Meekins Melvin student r117 King George
Meekins Wilbur W (Nellie) mariner h27 Holland
Meikeljohn Jas (Bernice) carp h92 Dock
Meiklejohn Mary clk Henry B Myers Co r King George
Meinhold Frances H clk r87 Conduit
Meinhold Frank H (Sophia) baker h87 Conduit
Meinhold Olga student r87 Conduit
Meinhold Robt M (Ethel) clk h87 Conduit
Meiser Jacob G (Eva M) linemn h189 5th Espt
Mellen Dorothy E hskpr Carvel Hall r do
Melvin Louise (wid Geo) h37 Franklin
MELVIN RIDGELY P (August B; Capital Gazette Press),
v-pres Annapolis Banking & Trust Co and Lawyer, 24
Church Circle, h South River Md, Phone 275
Meredith A Edw (Grace) foremn Meredith Lumber Co h5
Murray av
MEREDITH CAREY L (Mary G; Meredith Lumber Co),
h38 Franklin, Phone 751
Meredith John A auditor Meredith Lumber Co h38 Franklin
MEREDITH LUMBER CO (Carey L Meredith and William
G Meredith), Lumber, Office ft of King George, Phone
12, Store 278-84 West, Phone 222-W (See back cover)
MEREDITH WILLIAM G (Meredith. Lumber Co), h38
Franklin, Phone 761
Mcrriken Eleanora Gr bkpr h19 Woodland av Gmntn
Merriken Zach (Emily V) firemn h19 Woodland av Gmntn
Merrill Lawrence L (Ethel) dept clk h6 Union
Messenzehl Josephine (wid Peter) h12 Ridgewood av Gmntn
Messick Jas (Mary E) carp h91 Burnside Espt
Metropolitan Life Ins Co J Elmer Smith asst supt 15 School
Metto Michl (Louise) baker h26 Cornhill
Metto Michl U S N r26 Cornhill