Electrical Co.
Agents for
If It Is
We Have It
36 Market
Tel. 719-J
Kane Wm G lab h89 Shipwright
Kann S Sons Co of Washington D C dept store Pennsyl-
vania av at 8th
Kaplan Leonard U S N r20 Southgate av
Kappa Alpha 243 Prince George
Kaschke Richd (Bessie) chauf h5 Bladen
Kashner Flora M Mrs mlnr Lillian P Musterman h124 Main
Kashner Richd A (Flora) district supt Balto Life Ins co
h124 Main
Katcef Benj sten r40 Madison
Katcef Bessie sten r132 West
Katcef Harry bkpr r132 West
Katcef Israel sten r132 West
Katcef Leon student r40 Madison
Katcef Minnie sten r132 West
Katcef Moses (Sarah; Wm, Katcef & Bro) h132 West
Katcef Moses & Bro horses 132 West
Katcef Ruth sten r40 Madison
Katcef Wm (Anna; Wm Katcef & Bro) h40 Madison
Katcef Wm & Bro (Wm M Katcef, Moses Katcef) horses
40 Madison
Katsereles Wm (Christina) confr 101 Main h do
Kearney Stuart (Armenia) ins h95 College av
Kee Chas laund Chinese 220 Prince George h do
Keem Wm G (Emma) mus h242 Spa rd Gmntn
Keene Louis B clk Compt Office r104 Conduit
Keifer Paul J (Lucille) prof h153 1/2 Main
Keller Danl E (Mary C) plmbr h20 West
Keller Kath L sten r20 West
Kelly Bernard (Gertrude) firemn h583 Severn av Espt
Kelly Chas E (Helen M) mach h Severn av Espt
Kelly Harvey C reprmn h488 Chester Espt
Kelly Jos (Mabel) U S N h283 5th Espt
Kelly Levin P (Julia) mariner h282 4th Espt
Kelly W Thos (Mary E) mariner h488 Chester Espt
Kenchington Anna B art wool 216 Prince George h do
KENCHINGTON HARRY S (Anna E; Art Press) h216
Prince George
Kenchington Nettie r216 Prince George
Keneseth Israel Synagogue King George cor East
Kenly Edw G indexer and cataloguer h St Johns Campus
Kent Edw B (Evelyn) slstnn h131 West
Kent Etheridge (Mary A) h193 Severn av Espt
Keppler John C (Margt) carrier P O h595 Severn av Espt