15 School St.
Annapolis, Md.
Phone 386
For Sale
or Rent
Water Front and
Country Properties
HOTEL GUIENOT (Charles L Guienot), Bladen cor Car-
roll, Phone 118
HOTEL MARYLAND (Martha A Busch), n c cor Church
Circle and Main, Phone 110 and 790
Hotel Maryland Restaurant (Edward F Snader) Main c
Church Circle
House Ernest W (Koolage & House) r48 Maryland av
House Josuah (Alice) auto mech h19 2d
HOWARD ALLEN BOWIE (Rose Alexander), Insurance,
11 School h250 Prince George, Phone 421 (See left top
Howard Annie (wid Thos) h22 State Circle
Howard Charles A (Elizabeth) plmbrs 30 State Circle h93
Howard Clara M sten Sheriff's Office r Gambrill's Md
Howard Danl (Cora) janitor h5 Washington
Howard Douglas student r93 Market
Howard Douglas A capt U S A r Carvel Hall
Howard Eliza A (wid Jas E) r7 Feldmeyer ct
Howard Frank (Louise) barber r34 Pleasant
Howard Harvey r124 Main
Howard John (Mary) h30 Randall
Howard Marjorie C phone opr r199 Prince George
Howard Melvin (Mary) clk h43 Bay Ridge av
Howard Oliver Z (Cora L) plmbr h384 Severn av Espt
Howard Thelma nurse 123 Charles h do
Howard Thos C genl mgr Claiborn-Annapolis Ferry r Cam-
bridge Md
Howard Wm H (Amanda) lawyer 59 Northwest h do
Howe Edw W (Mary) garage h91 East
Howe Pearson pntr r91 East
Howell Annie dom h5 Pleasant ct
Howell Eliza B h23 State Circle
Howes John D (Florence) mach r177 King George
Howes Jos C (Carrie E) cond h32 Madison
Howes Joshua (Alice) auto mech h309 West Gmntn
Howes Richd H (Rose) pntr h37 Cornhill
Hromadnik Chas florist Magruder av W Anna h do
Hubbard Alonzo (Agnes) mach h90 Dock
Hubbard Eliz (wid Alonzo) h31 Holland
Hubbard Jos (Mary) carp h85 Prince George
Hubbard Mary clnr h188 Johnson
Hudgins John D electn h139 Charles
Huebner Louis H (Helen) lieut U S N h570 West Gmntn