15 School St.
Annapolis, Md.
Phone 386
For Sale
or Rent
Water Front and
Country Properties
COLONIAL MOTORS CO INC, Louis B Myers Pres, Walter
H Myers V-Pres, Bernard C Hoff Sec-Treas, 240-24
West, Phone 104 (See right bottom lines)
Colton Molton A (Andree) prof h259 Hanover
Community Store (John C Hoffman, Thos J Cullimore
dry gds Severn and 3d Espt
Como Roland (Daisy) ftr h18 Holland
Compton Otis L mgr Postal Telegraph Cable Co r20 Wes
Condell Arthur (Esther) baker r7 Cathedral
Conneli Chas (Charlotte) chauf h20 Cornhill
Connell Frank (Grace) lab h14 Cornhill
Conneli Rebecca (wid Raymond) h29 Holland
Connelly Martin J (Evelyn) lieut U S N h4 Randall ct
Conner Cath (wid Thos) r47 Fleet
Conner Chas lab r47 Fleet
Conner Lewis C (Jean) U S N h41G West Gmntn
Conner Mamie dom r2 L Bloom ct
Connolly Harry T (Marguerite) mgr of utilities Annapolis
& Chesapeake Bay Power Co h55 Southgate av
Conolly John W (Cath) h170 Duke of Gloucester
Connor Chas C (Kath B) U S N h27 1/2 2d
Conroy Kate Mrs (wid Jas) h137 Duke of Gloucester
Contee Wm J (Mary) h40 Cornhill
Cook Anna (wid Calhoun) h107 Northwest
Cook Bettie B (wid J Walter) h490 Chesapeake av Espt
Cook Isabelle laund h482 Eastern av Espt
Cook John W (Lois P) mach h38 Murray av
Cook Jos W (Niemiller & Cook) Annapolis Neck
Cook Mary (wid John) h80 Clay
Cook Mary (wid Wm) h171 6th Espt
Cook Rachel (wid Jos) h87 Washington
Cook Roland (Lillian) waiter r85 Calvert
Cook Wm cook r237 Hanover
Cook Wm E slsmn Colonial Motor Co Arnolds Md
Coonradt Dean (Emma) mach h418 West Gmntn
Cooper Chas B auto mach r240 King George
Cooper Harry C (Rosa M) barber r1 Peldmeyers ct
Cooper Henrietta (wid Wm H) h42 Calvert
Cooper Lavenia maid r52 Washington
Cooper Wm lab h190 Chestnut
Cooper Wms S gro 139 King George h240 do
Copdeland Saml (Eva) U S N h5 Randall
Corbett Rossetta (wid Thos) r100 Calvert
Corbin Emma H (wid Wm W) r53 Southgate av