the law of the land, or which they may hereafter do
and perform as justices of the peace, before the appoint-
ment and commissioning by the Executive of Mary-
land, of justices of the peace for Carroll county, shall
be as valid and binding to all intents and purposes
whatever, if in other respects legal, as if the said justi-
ces at the time of doing and performing said act had
been in fact specially appointed and commissioned jus-
tices of the peace for Carroll county since its estab-
lishment by law.
An act to alter and change part of the divisional line
between the fourth and fifth Election Districts in
Dorchester County.
Passed Feb. 18,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the south-western end of the divisional line be-
tween the fourth and fifth election districts, leading
from Keene's cross roads to Jones' bridge, commonly
called the Great Marsh bridge, in Dorchester county,
be and the same is hereby altered and changed, and
that after the passage of this act, the end of the afore-
said divisional line shall run from the said Keene's
cross roads, with a straight line, to a place called
Burton's Landing, and from thence south-west, until
it shall intersect the line of the sixth election district
in said county, any law to the contrary, notwithstand-
Line changed
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act relating to Insol-
vent Debtors in the City and County of Baltimore,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
sixteen, chapter two hundred and twenty-one.
Passed Feb. 30.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That so much of the act of Assembly, pass-
ed at December session, eighteen hundred and sixteen,
chapter two hundred and twenty-one, as restricts the
Legal know-
ledge dispers-
ed with