CHAP. 68.
proceed to divide their respective election districts into
a suitable and convenient number of school districts,
having reference to the roads, creeks, and so forth, as
their boundaries; it shall be the further duty of the
commissioners aforesaid immediately after the forma-
tion of said school districts in their respective election
Return descrip-
districts, to describe and number the same and to de-
liver the description and number thereof in writing to
the Register of "Wills of said county, who is hereby re-
quired to receive and record the same in his office
without fee or reward.
Acts repealed
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the first section of
the act, entitled, an act to authorise the appointment
of commissioners, and the division of Charles county
into school districts, passed December session eighteen
hundred and thirty-five, chapter sixty-two, and to
which this is a supplement, be and the same is hereby
Passed Feb. 30,
An act to make valid the acts and proceedings of Justices
of the Peace in Carroll County,
WHEREAS, since the establishment of another coun-
ty in this State, called Carroll county, composed of
parts of Frederick and Baltimore counties, doubts may
arise as to the validity of the acts and proceedings of
the justices of the peace in said county, done and per-
formed, since the establishment of said county, in con-
sequence of their having been commissioned by the
Executive of Maryland, as justices of the peace of
either Frederick or Baltimore county, as the ease may
be,— Therefore;
Acts confirmed
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all acts and proceedings of the several justices of
the peace, living and residing within the limits of Car-
roll county, done and performed by them since the pas-
sage of the actby the present Legislature of Maryland,
establishing said county, which before the establishment
of said county, they had power and authority to perform
and do as justices of the peace of either Frederick or
Baltimore counties, by virtue of their commissions, and