CHAP. 28
An act to confirm an act, entitled, on act to amend the
Constitution and Form of Government, so far as re-
lates to the division of Allegany county into Election
Districts, and to establish an additional Election Dis-
Passed, Dec. 23,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act entitled, an act to amend the Constitution
and Form of Government, so far as relates to the divi-
sion of Allegany county into Election Districts, and
to establish an additional Election District, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five,
chapter forty-four, be and the same is hereby ratified
and confirmed.
An act to change the names of Richard Taylor and Bar-
bara, his wife, and of George, his son, of Calvert
county, to the name of Richard Shrive, Barbara
Shrive, and George Shrive.
Passed Jan. 6,
WHEREAS, Richard Taylor, of Calvert county, hath
set forth by his petition, that he was born out of wed-
lock, and that his mother is since dead, and that he
hath since assumed the name of Richard Shrive and
hath married, and hath a wife and child, and is anxious
to have the name of Shrive confirmed to him and his
said wife and child, by law,— Therefore:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the name of the said Richard Tay-
lor, and Ann, his wife, and George, his son, and of
each of them, is hereby changed and altered into the
name of Richard Shrive, Barbara Shrive and George
Shrive, and they and their descendants and the descen-
dants of each of them, shall at all times hereafter be
called and known by, and hold and use the name of
Shrive only, and by such name shall sue and be sued
man any court of law or equity.
Names changed,
[See image for text]
Obligation of
&c. confirm-