certain whether the said Joseph Ennals, in construct-
ing the said mill, complied with the provisions of the
act of Assembly, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty six, chapter two hundred and
twelve, entitled, an act to provide for the valuation
and condemnation of water at the mouth of Cambridge
creek, in Dorchester countv, for the erection and es-
tablishment of a tide mill, and if so, what damages he
sustained, and report to the next General Assembly of
Passed Mar. 7,
Resolution in favor of William H. Fitzhugh.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is here-
by authorised and required to pay to William H. Fitz-
hugh, late sheriff of Washington county, or to his or-
der, one hundred dollars, which sum the said Wil-
liam H. Fitzhugb paid into the Treasury of the West-
ern Shore, as the recognizance of Thomas Quantrill
and William O. Sprigg, forfeited at November term,
1833, by Washington county court, and which recog-
nizance has since been remitted by the Executive.
Passed Mar. 6
Resolution directing the Clerk of Bar ford County
court to deliver to William B. Stephcnson, Esquire,
certain acts of Assembly, therein mentioned.
Eesolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the clerk of Harford county court, be, and he is here-
by required to deliver to William B. Stephenson,
Esquire, one copy of the acts of Assembly, for each and
every year past, that may be in his office, uncalled for
by justices of the peace.