—————— court in the year aforesaid; and whereas, the said
Samuel Warnick failed to make his appearance at said
term of said court, and his securities became liable to
the State of Maryland for the amount of the said bond
of recognizance; and -whereas, it is represented to this
General Assembly that petitions have been forwarded
to the Executive of this State, numerously and respect-
ably signed by the citizens of Allcgany county, pray-
ing that the executive may remit the amount of the bond
thus forfeited to the State: and whereas, we have abun-
dant reason for believing that the said amount, so for-
feited, would have been remitted by the executive
aforesaid, had it not been for a slight informality in
the signature of one of the judges who signed the peti-
tion of said securities; and whereas, we believe that the
said signature will be made in such form hereafter as
will secure the object contemplated by the petitioners,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Sheriff of Allcgany county be, and he hereby is re-
quested, and directed to suspend all process against
said securities in the bond of recognizance of the said
Samuel Warnick, for twelve months from and after the
passage of this resolution.
No. 35.
Passed Mar 10,
Resolution in favor of Eleanor Ncale.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is here-
by authorized and directed to pay to Eleanor Neale, or
order, widow of Captain Henry Neale, the half pay
of a Captain, out of any appropriated money in the
Treasury, as a further remuneration for his services
during her life.
No. 36.
Passed Mar. 8,
Resolution in favor of Mrs. Emily Forrest of St.
Mary's County.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That,
the Clerk of St. Mary's county court, be, and he is