No. 24.
Passed Feb. 6,
Resolution granting the use of the Library to certain
persons, &c. therein named.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Clerks of the Courts of Appeals for the Eastern and
Western Shores, the Register and Auditor in Chance-
ry, the Examiners General for the Eastern and West-
ern Shores, the Professors, for the time, being, of St.
John's College, the Clerks, for the time bci g, of the
Senate and of the House of Delegates, all members of
the bar of the Court of Appeals, during the ession of
said court, and their attendance thereon, and all the
ex-members of the Executive Council, while tthe seat
of government, shall have as free access to, and use of
the State Library as the members of the Legislature
now have.
No. 25.
Passed Feb. 25
Resolution in favor of B. S. Pigman.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, bc,and he is here-
by authorised and required to pay to B. S. Pigman,
out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, the
sum of two hundred dollars, as a remuneration for his
services, as one of the Counsel to assist the Attorney
General in commencing and prosecuting a suit in the
Supreme Court of the United States, in the name of the
State of Maryland as complainant, against the State of
Virginia as defendant.
No. 26.
Passed Mar. 1,
Resolution relative to employing additional Counsel to
to aid the Atterncy General in certain suits therein
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor and Council be, and they are hereby au-