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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 360   View pdf image
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the States, and that no distribution of them, should he
made in which all do not participate.

Resolved, That after the proper and necessary wants
of the government are provided for, and to prevent the
accumulation of large sums of money in the Treasury,
which would tend to embarrass the trade of the coun-
try, the surplus should be distributed quarter annually
amongst the States.

Resolved, That whenever the exigencies of the
government should require it, Congress is clothed by
the constitution, with ample authority to put in requi-
sition, all the resources of the country, and a patriotic
people will never fail to sustain a government of their
own choice, with all the means in their power.

Resolved, That the Senators and Representatives,
from this State in Congress be requested to bring the
subjects embraced in the preceding resolutions before
their respective houses, and to urge the adoption of
such measures, as will be in accordance therewith.

Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor, be re-
quested to forward to each of the Senators and Repre-
sentatives in Congress from this State, a copy of the
foregoing resolutions.

No. 23.
Resolution in favor of Levi Dawson.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Levi Dawson be allowed ten days from the passage of
this resolution to compound on a tract of land called,
Deep Snow, and the Treasurer of the Western Shore is
hereby authorised to receive the same, thereby making
the certificate for said tract of land as valid as if the
same had been, compounded on in due time; provided
nevertheless, that rights acquired in any part or the
whole of said land, by other persons since the issuing
of the warrant on which said survey was made, shall
not be effected by any thing contained in this resolu-

Passed Feb. 20,


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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 360   View pdf image
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