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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 358   View pdf image
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mit a copy of the aforegoing preamble and resolutions
to the Senators and Representatives in Congress from
this State.

No. 19.

Resolution in favor of Nathan Riley, of Allegany

WHEREAS, by an act passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty-two, chapter one hundred
and twenty eight, it was provided by the third sec-
tion thereof, that all certificates of survey of lands
made in Allegany county after the passage of said act,
and returned to the said office of the Western Shore,
should be compounded on, within twelve months from
the date of said certificate of survey; or become null
and void; and whereas, it is represented that Nathan
Riley hath returned to the land office, a certificate for
a tract of land called Addition of Fat Bacon, contain-
ing sixty-four acres and one-fourtli of an acre, which
should have been compounded on, on or before the
eighteenth day of January, eighteen hundred and thir-
ty-six, but the same has been omitted to be done within
the time prescribed by law, and the State would gain
nothing by compelling the said Nathan Riley to survey
the same again — Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Nathan Riley be allowed twenty days from the passage
of this resolution, to compound on the said certificate
called Addition to Fat Bacon, and the Treasurer of the
Western Shore is hereby authorised to receive the same,
thereby making said certificate as valid as if the same
had been compounded on in due time; provided never-
theless, that rights acquired in any part or the whole of
said land, by other persons since the issuing of the war-
rant on which said survey was made, shall not be af-
fected by any thing contained in this resolution.

Passed Feb. 6,

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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 358   View pdf image
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