other nations should extend to those agricultural pro-
ducts of the United States which partake in their charac-
ter of the nature of luxuries, the same liberality and fa-
vour tliAt the United States are now extending towards
articles of the same nature of foreign growth or manu-
facture: and -whereas, it is essentially necessary that
some efforts should be made to mitigate the present dis-
tressed and suffering condition of the tobacco growers,
and to prevent a total sacrifice of an immense capital
now invested in the cultivation of that article, or its
necessary transfer to the southern country, wliere the
cultivation of cotton and sugar hold out more inviting
inducements, and which, if such an event should take
place, must necessarily drain those sections of the
country where tobacco is now made, of much of their
present wealth, and a large portion of their population,
and also tend to lessen the value of cotton and sugar
by reason of their increased production,—Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Executive of Maryland be requested to communi-
cate with the President of the United States upon this
subject, with the view of inducing the Government of
the United States, by instructions to our diplomatic
agents, to use their efforts in obtaining from foreign
nations a reduction of the existing duties imposed on
the introduction of tobacco within their respective
Resolved, That the Executive of Maryland be re-
quested to communicate with the Executives of the se-
veral States interested in the cultivation of tobacco,
asking their co-operation in obtaining, through the
medium of the General Government, a reduction of the
duties imposed on tobacco by foreign nations, and that
they be requested to call the attention of the Legisla-
tures of their respective. States to this subject.
Resolved, That the Senators and Representatives of
this State in the Congress of the United States, be re-
quested to take under their especial care this highly im-
portant and much neglected interest, and that they be
particularly requested to oppose all and every adjust-
ment of the present tariff, without obtaining for the
tobacco interest a fair and equal participation in the
benefits to te derived from such adjustment
Resolved, That the Governor be requested to trans-