CHAP. 311.
visions of said act, to which this is a supplement, shall
be recoverable before the Burgess of Middletown, or
before any justice of the peace of Frederick county,
in the seme manner as small debts are recoverable out
of court, and that payment thereof may be enforced in
like manner as in cases of judgments rendered by a
justice of the peace.
Vacancy of col-
SEC. 3 And be it enacted, That in case of the death,
refusal to act, disqualification, resignation or removal
out of the said town, of any collector appointed under
the provisions of the twelfth section of the act to which
this is a supplement, the burgess and commissioners of
Middletown, shall have power at any time, and from
Or absence, &c.
time to time to appoint another in his stead, and that
in rase of the absence or other inability to act of
the collector for the time being, the burgess may direct
any precept by him issued, to any constable residing
in the said town, whose duty it shall be to serve the
same, and make return thereof, in the same manner as
constables are bound by law to serve and return pro-
cets issued by justices of the peace.