CHAP. 310.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said burgess
shall be the treasurer for the said corporation, and
shall give bond in the name of the State of Maryland,
for the benefit of said corporation, with security to be
approved by the said commissioners, in such penalty
as they shall fix, conditioned for the faithful discharge
of his duty as treasurer, and the said band may be put
in suit in the name of the State, for the use of the commis-
sioners of Tancy town, as commissioners; and the said
burgess as treasurer shall receive and pay away, all
money that he may be directed to receive and pay away
by the ordinances to be passed by the said commis-
sioners or a majority of them.
Town limits
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the; limits of
the said town, for all purposes, except taxation,
shall be as follows: beginning at the South West cor-
ner of lot number one, at the public square of the town;
thence in a straight line to a stone planted at the fork
of the road leading from Tancy town to Westminster
and Union town; thence a straight line to a branch
where it crosses the main road leading from Tancy
town to Frederick town, at Ludwick Rudisels tan
yard, and down the bed of said branch to its intersec-
tion with Spark's run; thence a straight line to Piney
Run, where said run crosses the main mad, leading
from Taney town to Gettysburg; thence a straight line
to a spring run, where said run crosses the main road
leading from Tancy town to Little's town, where said
run passes into John McKalebs meadow, thence a
straight line to a stone planted at the fork of the roads
leading from Taney town to "Westminster and Union
town; thence in a straight line to the place of begin-
ning; and that the taxable limits of the said town shall
be as follows: including all that part of the town now
improved, or which the citizens may at any time here-
after improve.
Passed Mar. 22,
An act for the payment of the Journal of Accounts.
WHEREAS, it appears by the journal of accounts of
this session, that there is d'ic from this State, the sever-
al sums as follows to wit: to the Electors of Senate of