petent manner for the accommodation of guests; to
provide, if it shall be deemed advisable, for renting
or leasing such tavern or hotel and wagon yard, either
furnished or unfurnished, for any term not exceeding
five years, or for carrying it on by agents and servants
CHAP. 308.
Rent or lease
in the employ, and for ihe benefit of the company; to
provide for dividing the profits which shall be acquired
by the company among the stockholders, in just pro-
portion, reserving from time to time so much as shall
be necessary to make repairs, alterations or improve-
ments sanctioned by a majority of the votes of the stock-
holders; to provide for the sale of all or any part of the
property of the company, whenever by the majority ol
the votes of all the stockholders, it shall be decided to
make such sale, and for the reinvestment of the pro-
ceeds of such sale in the purchase or erection of similai
or other suitable improvements for the uses and pur-
poses authorised by this act, or for the division of the
proceeds of any such sale, after paying all lawful claims
against the company, among the stockholders, and
Sales, &c.
thereby dissolving the corporation; provided, that no
such dissolution shall prevent the commencement or
prosecution of any suit at law or in equity, for any
claim against the corporation; and generally to past
all such other by-laws as may be necessary for the ex-
ercise of any of the powers granted by this charter, or
transacting any business which the said company may
lawfully do in virtue of this act, and all such by-laws
and resolutions from time to time to alter or repeal
provided, that such by-laws and resolutions shall no
be contrary to any law of this State, or of the United
By laws
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the right is reserv
ed to the Legislature at any time after twenty years to
make such alterations in the provisions of this charter
to operate thereafter, as to them shall appear necessa-
ry and proper, and at ail times to impose such tax a
they shall deem reasonable, on the property, estate
lands and tenements in which the capital stock of the
said company shall be invested, in common with other
similar property within this State.
Right, reserved