CHAP. 45.
An act to Divorce Sarah Ann Sears, of Calvert County,
from her husband, Robert Sears.
Passed Feb. 8,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the marriage heretofore solemnized
between Sarah Ann Sears, of Calvert county, and
Robert Scars, be and the same is hereby declared to be
null and void, to all intents and purposes, and that the
said Sarah Ann Sears and Robert Scars be and they
are hereby divorced, a vinculo matrimonii.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Robert
Sears shall not be authorised to have or claim any right,
title or interest in the estate, real, personal or mixed,
of the said Sarah Ann Scars, that shall have been or
shall hereafter be acquired by her, nor shall the said
Sarah Ann Scars be entitled in any manner to have or
claim any right, title or interest in the estate, real,
personal or mixed of the said Robert Scars, that shall
be acquired by him after the passage of this act
Claims annull-
SEC...3. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be construed to effect the legitimacy of the chil-
dred of the said parties during their marriage, nor to
prevent them from inheriting from either their father
or mother, or from each other, in the same manner as
before the passage of this act
Legitimacy pre-
An act for the relief of Samuel Thompson, of the City
of Baltimore.
Passed Feb. 8,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Commissioners of Insolvent Debtors for Bal-
timore city and county, be and they are hereby autho-
rised and empowered to grant to Samuel Thompson
the benefit of the several acts of Assembly, passed for
the relief of insolvent debtors, provided the said Samuel
Thompson shall in all respects, except that of proving,
residence, comply with the requisitions of said acts of
Assembly, and that he satisfy the said commissioners
that he did not come into this State with the view of
Insolvent act
extended to.