CHAP. 505.
ject to the like provisions with cases of appeals to the
county courts of this State, from judgments of justices
of the peace.
But costs first
to be paid
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever an appeal
shall be demanded from the judgment of the district
court, the appeal may be refused if the party demand-
ing the appeal docs not first tender the costs to the
court, which have accrued on the judgment from which
an appeal is demanded.
of Associate
Justice when
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That whenever from any
cause any one of the associate justices shall preside at
the holding of any district court, he shall be entitled
to the per diem now allowed by law to the presiding
justice of said court.
Relative to ap-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in all cases pending
before the. said district courts, the parties may appear
either in proper person, by attorney, or by agent, and
the name of any person entered upon the docket of the
presiding justice, at the request of either party, or who
shall be named by either party in open court, or who
shall exhibit a request in writing from cither party for
that purpose, shall entitle such person to appear to de-
fend or prosecute any action pending in said courts in
the name of the, party for whom he may so appear.
Case of sale of
process of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the du-
ty of the chief justices of the several district courts of
this State, in all and every case in which real estate
may have heretofore been sold, or may hereafter be sold
by virtue of any process issued by the said courts, to
place in the hands of the clerks of the respective coun-
Return of judg-
ment- and pa-
ties in which said real estate may be, the judgment,
execution, and all the papers and proceedings in the
case or cases in which said sale may be, or may have
been made, within.six months after the return of the of-
Record directed,
ficer making said sale, and it shall be the duty of the
clerks of the several courts, to record said judgment,
execution, and all the papers and proceedings, and the
same when recorded, to be evidence in all courts of jus-
tice in this State.
Case of two Jus-
tices being in-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That from and after the
passage of this supplement, where any two of the jus-
tices of any of said district courts, shall be interested
in any matter of which the said court would have juris-
diction if said two justices did not form a part of said