the annual sum of two hundred dollars, to be paid by
the Treasurer of the Western Shore of Maryland, to
the trustees of the Oakland Academy, in Carroll coun-
ty, or their order, for the benefit and use of said acade-
my; provided, the trustees of said academy comply
with the requisitions of the original act and its supple-
ments, granting donations to the different colleges and
academies in this State.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the
Western Shore be, and he is hereby authorised and di-
rected to pay annually to the Trustees of Govenstown
Academy, in Baltimore county, or their order, two
hundred dollars, the amount heretofore in the receipt
of the Manchester Academy, then in Baltimore county,
but now in Carroll county, for the use and support of
said Govenstown Academy; provided, that they com-
ply with the requisitions of the above proviso.
$200 to Man-
A further supplement to an act, entitled, an act to estab-
lish Magistrates' Courts in the several counties of
this State, and prescribe their jurisdiction.
Passed Mar. 21,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act
it shall and may be lawful for the several district courts,
established by the original act to which this is a sup-
plement, to issue summons for witnesses residing in
Authorised to
ferent counties
different counties, to testify on trials to be had before
such courts, which summons shall be directed to a con-
stable residing in the district where such courts are
held, and returned to the court before which the trial
is to be had.
By constables
in the district
SEC. 2. And be if enacted, That all witnesses sum-
moned as aforesaid shall, in case of non-attendance, be
liable to attachment and fine in like manner as if such
witness resided in the county where such trial is had.
Attachment for
SEC. 3.. And be it enacted, That in all cases hereafter
tried before single justices of the peace, either party
shall be allowed "an appeal to the county court or dis-
trict court of the district in which any such cases may
Either party
may appeal
single justice
be tried, where they shall be tried de novo, and all
such appeals shall be taken in such manner, and sub-
De novo