their clerk be entered in a book to be kept by him for
that purpose, and shall be opened at all times for the
inspection of any person interested, and copies of all
ordinances shall be put up in the most public places of
said town that the same may be generally made known.
CHAP. 299.
Ordinances pub-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all fines and for-
feitures under the ordinances of said corporation, shall
be recoverable before the burgess aforesaid as small
debts are recoverable out of court, and he shall be en-
titled to charge the same fees as a justice of the peace
would for similar services, or the said fines and for-
feitures may be recovered before any justice of the
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
aforesaid, or a majority of them, may direct by ordi-
nance, all or any of the foot ways within the taxable
limits of said town to be laid off, levelled and paved,
or amended and repaired with such materials as to
them may seem best; and such levelling, paveing and
repairing, shall be made and done at the expense of the
proprietors of the different lots before which the com-
missioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall di-
rect the same to be done.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That if the owner or
owners of any house, lot, or part of a lot, where such
levelling, paving, repairing or amending shall be di-
rected, shall not reside in the said town, the tenant or
tenants occupying the same, or who shall have the
charge and care thereof, shall cause the same to be
done before the front of such property or possession,
and the money expended by such tenant or other per
son in and about the said work, in obedience to the said
ordinance and direction of the burgess and commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, aforesaid, shall be al-
lowed by the owner, and deducted out of the rent then
due, or thereafter to become due; and if any owner or
tenant of any house or lot, or part of a lot, or the per-
son having the care of the same, shall refuse or neglect
to level, pave, amend or repair the foot way in front
of the same, according to the ordinance and direction
of the burgess and commissioners, or a majority of
them, aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the
burgess and commissioners, or a majority of them,
aforesaid, to contract and agree with some person or
Neglecting to
pave, &c.