and Council, as the case may be, who shall have made
the appointment, to appoint any commissioner or
commissioners to fill the vacancy so occasioned, and
CHAP. 285.
the commissioners before they act, shall each take an
oath or make affirmation faithfully to discharge the
trust reposed in them by the appointment, a certificate
of which oath or affirmation shall be annexed to the
said certificate of rates, and if the Mayor shall be
entitled to fill said vacancy, and shall fail within twen-
ty days after it shall occur to fill the same, the same
shall be filled by the Governor and Council.
Oath required
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the owner of every licensed hackney carriage, be-
fore he shall be entitled to charge, ask, or receive any
hire or compensation for the use of such carriage, to
cause the number thereof as stated in his licence, in
plain and easily legible figures, at least two inches in
length, to be painted or otherwise delineated in conspi-
cuous places on each side of such carriage both within
and without, cither in black or yellow on a white
ground, or in white or yellow on a black ground, and
the same to keep and have at all times so conspicuous-
ly delineated therein and thereon; and also to place
and keep in at least two conspicuous positions in the
interior of such carriage, a copy of the rates of fare
or charges authorized by this act, printed on a white
paper card with black ink, by types of a size not less
than long primer, so that the same may be convenient-
ly seen and read in the day time by any person capa-
ble of reading, who may be a passenger in such car-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That every owner of a
hackney carriage licensed in pursuance of this act, for
the use of which any higher or greater rate of fare
shall be asked and received by any driver or other
person having care of such carriage than what is al-
Case of over-
lowed by this act, or who shall neglect or omit to
perform any duty, or to comply with any provis-
Or neglect
ion required by this act, shall incur a penalty of
ten dollars, every continuance of an omission to
comply with the provisions of the fourth section of
this act for one day, beyond any act of violation
of said provision prosecuted, being taken as a dis-
tinct offence, and every driver of any licensed hack-
Omitting to No;