said bank shall pay or cause to be paid to the treasurer
of the Western Shore of the State of Maryland, the
sum of twenty cents on every hundred dollars of the
capital of said bank, then actually paid in, to be ap-
plied by said treasurer in augmentation of the free
school fund of the State, in the same manner the sim-
ilar tax paid by the other Incorporated banks in this
CHAP. 225.
State is now applied, and in case of the failure of said
bauk to make such payment for the space of six
months after the same shall have become payable, this
Neglecting to
charter shall be forfited and shall be deemed null and
Forfeit charter
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
or the president and directors thereof, in further con-
sideration of the corporate privileges hereby granted,
shall pay to the State of Maryland a bonus of eleven
thousand two hundred and fifty dollars on three thou-
sand shares of said capital stock, and in that propor-
tion on any greater number of shares of which said
capital stock shall consist at the time of the organiza-
tion of the bank, the said bonus to be paid to the Trea-
surer of the Western Shore of this State in three equal
annual payments, and so many of said shares as shall
be allotted to or be obtained by subscribers to said
capital stock at the time of the organization of the
bank, commencing for the first payment on the thirtieth
day after the said bank shall have gone into operation,
and on so many of said shares as shall at any time sub-
sequent have been disposed of by the president and di-
rectors, the said bank shall pay a bonus at and after
the rate of three dollars and seventy-five cents on each
hundred dollars thereof, which said bonus shall be paid
on the first day of January next after such augmented
er additional shares shall have been disposed of, and if
Farther bonus
the full amount of five hundred thousand dollars shall
not have been subscribed to the capital stock of said
bank before the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and forty-one, the said bank shall nevertheless pay to
the said treasurer such sum of money, as together with
the sums which may have been previously paid, shall
amount to the full sum of eighteen thousand seven hun-
dred and fifty dollars, and it shall be the duty of the
president and cashier of said bank to transmit to the
Total moms