CHAP. 198.
A supplement to the act to Incorporate the Hamilton
Bank, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-Jive, chapter three hundred and twenty.
Passed Mar. 15,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the president and directors of the
Hamilton Bank, be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered, at any time within twelve months from the
organization of said bank, and after the sum of three
After prerequi-
hundred thousand dollars at least, shall have been sub-
scribed to the capital stock of the said bank, and after
the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, in gold and
silver coins, shall have been paid to and be in the pos-
session of the said president and directors, as a part
of said capital stock, and the same shall have been
certified to the Treasurer for the Western Shore, by
such person as he shall appoint to ascertain said facts,
to establish said bank in the city of Baltimore.
Banks may be
established in
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That at any time within
three years from the passage of this act, it shall and
may be lawful for the president and directors of the
said bank, with the consent of the stockholders, given
at a general meeting thereof, called for that purpose,
from time to time, and in such manner as to them shall
May increase
the capital
seem expedient, to add to and increase the capital stock
of said bank; Provided always, that the capital stock
of said bank, shall at no time exceed the amount of
one million of dollars; and provided also, that no part
of said additional stock shall be subscribed or disposed
of by the said president and directors, at less than the
par value thereof.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That on the first Monday
of January next ensuing the organization of said bank,
and on the same day annually thereafter, the said bank
shall pay, or cause to be paid, to the Treasurer for the
Western Shore, the sum of twenty cents in every hun-
dred dollars of the capital stock of said bank then ac-
tually paid in, to be applied by the said Treasurer in
augmentation of the school fund of the state, in the
School tax
same manner as the similar tax paid by the other in-
corporated banks in this State is applied, and in case
of the failure of the said bank to make any such pay-
Charter void on
failure to pay