CHAP. 197.
and thirty eight, and for the election of delegates on
the same day in every year thereafter, for the elec-
tion of Governor on the same day in every third year
thereafter, and for the election of senators, of the first
class, on the same day in the second year after their
election and classification, and on the same day in eve-
ry sixth year thereafter; and for the election of sena-
tors of the second class, on the same day in the fourth
year after their election and classification, and on the
same day in every sixth year thereafter; and for the
election of senators of the third class, on the same day
in the sixth year after their election and classification,
and on the same day in every sixth year thereafter.
Annapolis mer.
ged in A. A.
SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That in all elections for
Governor, the city of Annapolis shall be deemed and
taken as part of Anne Arundcl county.
Relation of Mas-
ter and Slave
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the relation of
master and slave, in this State, shall not be abolished
unless a bill so to abolish the same, shall be passed by
a unanimous vote of the members of each branch of
the General Assembly, and shall be published at least
three months before a new election of delegates, and
shall be confirmed by a unanimous vote of the mem-
bers of each branch of the General Assembly, at the
next regular constitutional session after such new elec-
tion, nor then, without full compensation to the master
for the property of which he shall be thereby deprived.
Seat of Govern-
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That the city of Anna-
polis shall continue to be the seat of government, and
the place of holding the sessions of the court of appeals
for the Western Shore, and the high court of chancery.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be
confirmed by the General Assembly, after a new elec-
tion of delegates, in the first session after such new
election, agreeably to the provisions of the Constitu-
tion and form of government, then and in such case,
this act, and the alterations and amendments of the
Constitution therein contained, shall be taken and con-
sidered, and shall constitute and be valid, as a part of
said constitution and form of government, any thing in
the said constitution and form of government to the
contrary notwithstanding.