of January next, shall continue for the term of one year,
and until the election and qualification of a successor,
to be chosen as hereinafter mentioned.
CHAP. 197
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That at the time and
places of holding the elections in the several counties
of this State, and in the city of Baltimore, for dele-
gates to the General Assembly for the December ses-
sion of the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and
before the same judges by whom the election for dele-
gates shall be held, and in every third year forever
thereafter, an election shall also be held for a Gover-
Election of Go-
vernor thereof.
nor of this State, whose term of office shall commence
on the first Monday of January next ensuing the day
of such election, and continue for three years, and un-
Term of office
til the election and qualification of a succcasor; at which
said election every person qualified to vote for delegates
to the General Assembly, at the place at which he shall
offer to vote, shall bo entitled to vote for Governor,
Qualification of
and the person voted for as Governor shall possess the
qualifications now required by the constitution and
form of government, and the additional qualification of
being at least thirty years of age, and of being and of
Qualification of
having been for at least three whole years before, a
resident within the limits of the gubernatorial district
from which the Governor is to be taken at such elec-
His residence
tion, according to the priority which shall be deter-
mined as hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, the
State shall be, and the same is hereby divided into
three gubernatorial districts, as follows: the counties
of Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot, Dor-
chester, Somerset and Worcester shall together com-
pose one district, and until its number shall be deter-
E. district
mined as hereinafter provided, shall be known as the
Eastern District; the counties of Saint Mary's,
Charles, Calvert, Prince George's, Anne Arundel, in-
clusive of the city of Annapolis, Montgomery, and
Baltimore city, shall together compose one district,
and until its number shall be determined as hereinafter
S. district
provided, shall be known as the Southern District;
Baltimore, Harford, Carroll, Frederick, Washington
and Allegany counties, shall together compose one dis-
trict, and until its number shall be determined as here-
inafter provided, shall be known as the North-western
N. W. district