CHAP. 197.
senate, it shall not be lawful for the governor at any
time afterwards, during the recess of the senate, in
case of vacancy in the same office, to appoint such re-
jected person to fill said vacancy.
Governor annu-
ally to appoint
a Secretary of
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That it shall be the du-
ty of the governor, within the period of one calendar
month next after this act shall go into operation, and
in the same session in which the same shall he confirm-
ed, if it be confirmed, and annually thereafter during
the regular session of the senate, and on such particu-
lar day, if any, or within such particular period as
may be prescribed by law, to nominate, and by and
with the advice and consent of the senate, to appoint a
Secretary of State, who shall hold his office until a
His duties, &c
successor shall be appointed, and who shall discharge
such duties, and receive such compensation, as shall
be prescribed by law.
Vacancy of Go-
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That in case a vacancy
shall occur in the office of Governor at any time after
this act shall go into operation, the General Assembly,
if in session, or if in the recess, at their next session,
Elect by joint
shall proceed to elect by joint ballot of the two houses,
some person, being a qualified resident of the guber-
natorial district from which the Governor for said
term is to be taken, to be Governor for the residue of
said term in place of the person originally chosen; and
Secretary of
in every case of vacancy until the election and qualifi-
cation of the person succeeding, the Secretary of State,
by virtue of his said office, shall be Clothed, ad interim,
Governor ad in-
with the executive powers of government; and in case
there shall be no Secretary of State, or in case he shall
refuse to act, remove from the State, die, resign, or
President of Se-
be removed for cause, the person filling the office of
president of the senate shall, by virtue of his said office,
be clothed, ad interim, with the executive powers of
government; and in case there shall be no president of
the senate, or in case he shall refuse to act, remove
from the State, die, resign, or be removed for cause,
Speaker of the
H. of Dele-
the person filling the office of Speaker of the house of
delegates shall, by virtue of his said office, be clothed,
ad interim, with the executive powers of government.
Term of Gover-
nor, chosen
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the term Of office of
the Governor, Who shall be chosen on the first Monday