CHAP. 196.
whomsoever, and to all bodies, politic and corporate,
the privilege of using the said water so to be intro-
duced, in such manner and on such terms and condi-
tions, and in such quantities respectively as they shall
think fit, and the said water so introduced, together
with all reservoirs, pipes, canals, tunnels, engines,
buildings and machines whatsoever, and also all lands,
rights and privileges as aforesaid to be by them pur-
chased, made and used for the purpose of introducing,
raising and distributing the said water, to hold to them,
their successors and grantees as their sole and exclu-
sive property.
Penalty for inju-
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons shall wilfully do, or cause to be done, any act
whatever whereby the said works or any pipe, conduit,
canal, water course, mound, plug, cork, reservoir,
dyke or any engine, machine or structure, or any mat-
ter or thing appertaining to the same, shall be stopped,
obstructed, impaired, weakened or injured, or shall
wilfully pollute the said water by throwing any dead
animals or other impure substance into the same, or
by swimming, bathing or washing therein, the person
or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay to the said
company for every such offence, a sum not exceeding,
twenty dollars to be recovered by such company, with
costs of suit, by action of debt or action on the case,
or by a warrant before any magistrate.
Banking prohi-
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That it shall not be
lawful for said corporation to issue any note in the na-
ture of a bank note, nor to enter into any negotiations
on bills or notes, nor to deal in exchange discount or
Dividends di-
other commercial or banking operations; and dividends
of the profits of the stock shall be annually made, re-
serving only, at the discretion of the directors, such
proportion as they or a majority of the stockholders,
or those holding a majority of the shares, shall deem
sufficient for maintaining and supporting the works
necessary to promote or obtain the objects of this in-
corporation, and if the said corporation shall not carry
into effect the intention of this act within five years
from the passage thereof, in that case all the powers
hereby vested in them shall cease and determine.
May organize
on 40 shares
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful for the said company to organize by electing