the value of the matter in question shall exceed five
hundred dollars.
CHAP. 196.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
may purchase and hold in fee simple or otherwise, all
such land and real estate suitable for the erection of
the necessary works, and that may.be necessary in
whole or in part for the proper accomplishment of their
Real estate
undertaking, as shall be proper; and may divert from
the usual bed and course for the purpose aforesaid, at
such place or places as they shall think fit and suita-
ble for the purpose, any stream or streams which they
may think suitable, or any part or parts thereof, they
Divert streams
obtaining the consent of all persons having any right,
interest or property in the stream or streams respec-
tively, so to be diverted in whole or in part, or in the
lands through which such stream or streams may be
intended to pass after being so diverted; and the said
corporation shall have full power and authority to make
Consent requir-
a canal and tunnel, or either of them, for the convey-
ance of the said water under and along any public
highway, or any street or streets, lane or lanes, alley
or alleys, of the town of Frostburg, and to lay a pipe
or pipes, in such highway, or in any of the said streets,
lanes or alleys, for the purpose of conveying and dis-
tributing the said water; and the said pipes from time
to time to renew and repair, and for those purposes to
dig, break up and open at their own expense, all or any
part of such highway, or of such streets and alleys,
and of the pavements and footways thereof, leaving at
all times a sufficient passage way for carriages, horses,
and foot passengers, and restoring forthwith to their
former condition, all such highways, or all such of the
said streets, lanes and alleys, pavements and foot-
Canal or tunnel
Highways or
streets, &c.
ways, as shall from time to time, and at any time, be
so dug, opened or taken up; provided, that no power
herein granted shall be used so as to interfere with the
free use of the national road, or with the construction
of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road.
National road
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said corpora-
tion shall have full power and authority to construct
reservoirs in the squares, and establish public fountains
in such parts of the streets and squares in said town as
they may think proper; and to grant to all persons
Construct reser-
voirs, &c