not exceed the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, and
in case of the death, regulation or refusal to act of,
any of said commissioners, the survivors or those con-
senting to net shall have full power to'fill up any va-
cancy or vacancies thus occurring, by a nr.w appoint-
ment and certified by them to the commissioners of
Baltimore county.
CHAP. 195.
Fill vacancies
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That it shallvbe the duty
of the bridge commissioners aforesaid to give notice in
at least two of the daily newspapers published in the
city of Baltimore, for three weeks, that they will re-
ceive proposals for the building of said bridge.
Notice for pro-
SEC. 4. And be if enacted, That the said bridge com-
penditures in erecting the said bridge, and return the
same to the commissioners of the county, and in case
there should be any money left out of the sum to be
Return occoani
levied, after the bridge is completed, it shall be paid
over to the. county commissioners to be by them applied
to the benefit of the county.
Pay over ba-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That the said bridge com-
missioners shall be held accountable to the. county
commissioners aforesaid, for the respective sums of
money so put into their hands, for the faithful expendi-
ture thereof in the erection of said bridge.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
of Baltimore county be, and they sire hereby authoris-
ed and required to levy upon the assessable property
of said county within one or two years, :it their dis-
cretion, from the passage of this act, the amount speci-
fied in the second section of this act. for the building of
said bridge, to be collected as other county levies are
collected, and to be paid over to the bridge commis-
sioners above named when collected.
Levy directed
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty
of the bridge commissioners, or some one or more of
them, to superintend the building of said bridge, and
they shall receive no compensation or remuneration for
their services unless the Baltimore county commission-
ers shall deem it proper to allow a compensation, which
compensation if allowed shall not exceed two dollars
per day.
to superinten-