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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 178   View pdf image
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from the passage of this act.

An act for the relief of James Polk, Register of Wills
of Somerset county.

Passed Mar. 15,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful for James Polk, regis-
ter of wills of Somerset county, to renew his bond as
register aforesaid with sufficient sureties on or before
the first day of May next, and not afterwards, and the
orphans' court are hereby directed to approve or reject
the same in the same manner they might or could have
done if the said bond had been renewed and presented
to them at the time fixed by law for the renewal of re-

May bond prior
to 1st May

gisters bonds, and the said bond when so executed and
approved, shall have the same effect in law as if the
same had been renewed at the fall term of Somerset

Made valid

county court, and the said James Polk is hereby re-
lieved from any penalties which may have been incur-

Penalties releas-

red by his neglect to execute the same; provided, the
said bond, in addition to the usual conditions, shall
contain one covering all delinquencies which may have
occurred since the time when it should have been re-



An act to authorise the commissioners of the tax of Tal-
bot county to levy a sum of money for the repairs of
the Court House of said county.

Passed Mar. 15.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of the tax for Talbot county,
be, and they are hereby authorised and directed to levy
on the assessable property of said county at the time of
making the next annual levy, such sum or sums of mo-
ney as they in their discretion shall believe nccessary
for the purpose of repairing the court house in said
county; provided, the same shall not exceed the sum of

Levy authoris-


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Session Laws, 1836
Volume 537, Page 178   View pdf image
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