across the White Marsh Run, at or near the head of
Birds river, if they in their judgment shall deem a
bridge necessary, and that it is expedient to erect the
same; and that in case the said county commissioners
shall deem it expedient to build said bridge, they shall
CHAP. 186.
appoint three commissioners to fix upon a site for erec-
ing the same, at or near the aforesaid head of Birds
river, and the said bridge commissioners shall also con
tract with some person or persons for erecting said
Appoint com-
bridge, who shall give bond and security to the said
bridge commissioners for building the same in a good
and substantial manner.
Bond, &c.
An act to limit the sitting of the Commissioners of the
Tax in Worcester county.
Passed Mar. 15
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of the tax for Worcester coun-
ty shall from and after the passage of this act, meet on
the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, in
each year, for the purpose of noting transfers and
hearing appeals; provided nevertheless, that if the com-
missioners aforesaid shall be prevented by sickness, or
any other good reason from forming a board on the day
above mentioned, it shall be lawful for said commis-
sioners to adjourn to or fix upon some other day or
days, for the performance of their duties, and they
shall give public notice of the times of such meetings;
provided also, that they shall not sit more than ten
days in any oue year.
Time prescribed
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act for the protec-
tion of Oysters in the paters of the Eastern Store of
this State, passed et December session, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-one, chapter two hundred and forty-
nine, so far as relates to the waters bordering on
Queen Ann's county.
Passed Mar. 16,
WHEREAS, the protection of Oysters in the waters
of Queen Ann's connty, is a subject in which the citi-